Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

"Kau Bisa Main Gak, Sih?"

Sempak Sepak bola itu permainan universal, bisa dimainkan oleh siapapun dan kapanpun. Dan telah mendarah daging bagi beberapa orang, khususnya cowo. Tapi, kalo misalnya kita main bola dan salahnya banyak, pasti temen kita pada teriak ke kita "Lo bisa main gak sih?" atau "Maneh bisa teu sih maen bola?" atau yang paling horror adalah saat kita diteriakin "MANDULL!!! Teu bisaeun maen bola!!" seakan-akan urat kemaluan kita terputus sehingga kita gabisa nendang lagi. Oke, gue gak tau apa hubungannya. Tapi, menurut penelitian Lembaga Jomblo Indonesia, teriakan "Mandul!!" itu ada hubungannya sama sistem reproduksi (karena gue baru belajar tentang materi itu di sekolah) dan bisa diartikan sebagai berikut :
1. Gawang itu bagaikan sel telur pada rahim wanita. Yang akan menerima 'sperma' alias bola sepaknya
2. Bola sepaknya tersebut bagaikan sperma, yang mau mencoba masuk ke dalam 'sel telur' alias gawangnya
3. Kita itu bagaikan cairan semen, yang mengantarkan 'sperma' alias bola menuju 'sel telur' alias gawang.

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Sepuluh Klub Paling Laris Di-Google Indonesia (Bagian 2)

Internet tak lagi dapat dipisahkan dari aktivitas sehari-hari seorang penggemar sepakbola. Dengan jangkauan jari-jari, Anda sudah dapat menelusuri segala informasi yang diinginkan tentang sepakbola. Semua pernak-pernik tentang klub kesayangan bisa Anda ikuti dengan menelusuri dunia maya untuk memperkaya wacana.

Berani bertaruh, salah satu cara yang paling sering Anda gunakan dalam menemukan informasi adalah dengan meng-"Google" kata kunci yang Anda inginkan. Sebagai salah satu mesin pencari terdepan di internet, Google melansir daftar kata kunci yang paling laris dicari sepanjang 2012. Salah satu kategorinya adalah tim-tim sepakbola yang dapat ditelusuri berdasarkan negara asal pengguna.

Setelah melakukan riset kecil-kecilan, inilah sepuluh klub yang paling sering dicari fans sepakbola tanah air di internet. Ingat, daftar ini tidak mesti berisi klub-klub mancanegara yang diperkuat para bintang internasional mentereng. Selamat menyimak! (disini ditunjukan daftar dari nomor 5 sampai 1) :

Sepuluh Klub Paling Laris Di-Google Indonesia (Bagian 1)

Internet tak lagi dapat dipisahkan dari aktivitas sehari-hari seorang penggemar sepakbola. Dengan jangkauan jari-jari, Anda sudah dapat menelusuri segala informasi yang diinginkan tentang sepakbola. Semua pernak-pernik tentang klub kesayangan bisa Anda ikuti dengan menelusuri dunia maya untuk memperkaya wacana.

Berani bertaruh, salah satu cara yang paling sering Anda gunakan dalam menemukan informasi adalah dengan meng-"Google" kata kunci yang Anda inginkan. Sebagai salah satu mesin pencari terdepan di internet, Google melansir daftar kata kunci yang paling laris dicari sepanjang 2012. Salah satu kategorinya adalah tim-tim sepakbola yang dapat ditelusuri berdasarkan negara asal pengguna.

Setelah melakukan riset kecil-kecilan, inilah sepuluh klub yang paling sering dicari fans sepakbola tanah air di internet. Ingat, daftar ini tidak mesti berisi klub-klub mancanegara yang diperkuat para bintang internasional mentereng. Selamat menyimak! (disini ditunjukan daftar dari nomor 10 sampai 6) :

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Vast Diversity of Arthropods in Small Patch of Rain Forest

A scarab beetle in the understory of the San Lorenzo forest.

Though birds, trees, and orchids call the tropical rain forest home, they are immensely outnumbered by tiny arthropods, such as insects, spiders and millipedes. In the past, scientists had trouble estimating how many arthropods exist in the vastness of a forest. But thanks to new methods of sampling and analysis, researchers now think that over 25,000 different species of arthropods live in just one forest.

These findings are part of Project IBISCA-Panama, an extensive survey of arthropods in Panama's San Lorenzo forest supported by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. The study, published in this week's issue of Science, revealed that an estimated 25,000 species of arthropods exist in the 6,000-hectare forest. By tallying these small organisms, researchers hope to get a better grasp of their many roles in the rain forest ecosystem.

Maya Calendars Actually Predict That Life Goes On

Doomsday? No way. Ancient Maya said we’ll be around another 7,000 years or so.
Tortuguero Monument Six, supposedly predicting the "end of the world" in December, actually tells the life and battles of a ruler.

This December, not everyone is concerned with making plans for the New Year—especially not the people who think doomsday will get here first. Instead of planning parties, they're stockpiling food, refining escape routes, and honing survival skills ahead of the alleged date on which the Maya calendar "ends"—December 21, 2012.

So should we all be preparing for imminent apocalypse? According to the scholars, no.

The ancient Maya are usually cited as the predictors of the world coming to an end this month: One of their "great cycles" supposedly ends now. But the Maya were brilliant mathematicians and fantastic record keepers. They didn't have just one calendar. They developed many different kinds, including a cyclical solar calendar and a sacred almanac. They also measured time with something known as the Long Count, which were great cycles of 5,000 years.

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Tugu Yogyakarta

Bila datang ke Yogyakarta, dan kebetulan Anda bingung menentukan arah mau ke mana, ada satu patokan yang pasti dikenal oleh seluruh Wong Yogya. Itulah Tugu. Sebuah bangunan monumen sejarah yang terletak di perempatan bertemunya Jalan P Mangkubumi di sisi selatan, Jalan AM Sangaji di sisi utara, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman di sebelah timur, dan Jalan P Diponegoro di sebelah barat. Tugu setinggi 15 meter itu diresmikan pada 3 Oktober 1889 atau 7 Sapar 1819 Tahun Jawa.

Dari Tugu itu pula, maka pendatang dari luar Yogya seolah bisa ”menggenggam” seluruh kawasan kota ini. Tinggal mau ke mana? Semua bisa ditempuh dalam hitungan menit. Yogya kota kecil, Tugu bisa menjadi poros segala arah. Jika kemudian bingung di dalam kota Yogya, silakan kembali ke Tugu. Dijamin Anda tidak bingung lagi!

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Lirik The Script - Nothing

[Verse 1]
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet

They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I'll never
Only they can’t see where this is gonna end
They all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind, turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
So I, dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing (nothing, nothing, nothing)

[Verse 2]
So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences
I know if we're face to face then she'll come to her senses
Every drunk step I take leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurting, she'll take me back for sure

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind, turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
So I, dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing (nothing, nothing)

She said nothing (nothing, nothing)
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing (nothing, nothing)
I got nothing (nothing, nothing)
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing

Ohh, sometimes love's intoxicating
Ohh, you're coming down, your hands are shaking
When you realize there's no one waiting

Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind, turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
So I, dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing (nothing, nothing)

She said nothing (nothing, nothing)
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing (nothing, nothing)
I got nothing (nothing, nothing)
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing (nothing, nothing, nothing)

I got nothing [x3]